Thursday, October 29, 2020

Hello... it's me!

 I really need to be better about posting on my blog. Like, really better. Alas, I suck at it. :/

So, If you haven't been around in awhile, there's been quite a lot since the last time I posted. Just to preview you...

In the time since the last post I have also been translated into 3 languages! The Breach series and Cameo can be found in Italian, The Executive and soon Cameo in German, and multiple titles in Hebrew!!

And 2021 is turning out to have even more new books! So stick around, I'll do better at this blogging thing. 💗💗💗


  1. Will you write a sequel for Six

  2. I too, would really like to know if there will be a sequel to "Six." That book was absolutely AMAZING!

  3. I too, would really like to know if there will be a sequel to "Six." That book was absolutely AMAZING!
